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Image by Edwin Andrade

to Grow?

Learn how to grow your organization with a focus on stewardship.

What is a Christian business advisor?

I'm Jake Jordan, the Christian business advisor that has worn many hats in business. But you may be asking...


"Jake, what the heck is a Christian business advisor?"

That means two things:


  1. A focus on stewardship (generous and efficienct)

  2. And a focus on profits driven by a Godly vision. (Calling)


Money is a helpful tool that is often underutilized by Christian leaders.

So I help Owners and CEOs create a more focused strategy around good stewardship with time and money. 


That translates into financial and talent growth.


Sound good?

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 3 ways an

advisor helps.

Image by Anthony Yin

We see

the gaps.

Image by Adrien Olichon

The BEST leaders in the world only catch about 60-70% of the things holding them back. That's why the best ones's have boards and advisors.

Image by Amir Seilsepour

We want traction.

Image by Adrien Olichon

Momentum requires traction. A quality advisor will focus on short-term goals to get a team to long term vision. It's in our best interest AND yours. 

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We care

about growth.

Image by Adrien Olichon

Most advisors get into it because they THRIVE on making things grow. Profit, influence, leadership. That's the advisor that you want to hire.


Why I'm including God


The Bible says "where there is no vision, the perish". We must start with God if we want to see plans succeed.


Work is one of the primary means by which we fulfill our true purpose: to glorify God, serve, and further God's kingdom.


"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. " (Mt 6) He will give you peace.


Things you might not know...

The weird and the fun. (You decide which is which :)

I've been a DJ and Broadcaster

I went to Abilene Christian University to study broadcast journalism and business. In that time I worked as a sport radio producer, co-host and did voice-over work for local businesses. I still love to do audio for books and podcasts to this day. Check it out here:


I've written 10+ books

As a creative person with lots of ideas, I've found writing to be one of my favorite pastimes. If I'm not on camera with a podcast or keynote, then I could be writing. It's mostly business books to date, but I have fiction in me somewhere too.


I love to outdoor.

One of my favorite things in life is to walk, hike, and enjoy the outdoors. Particularly the mountains. I took my kids on a 16-day road trip from Texas to Yellowstone National park. It was a bucket list item that I got to enjoy and share with my kids. 

PHOTOS (Coming Soon)

I  ❤️ Non-Profits

Currently, I sit on the board of two non-profits. They do completely different things, but both have the goal of sharing the gospel and supporting other non-profits. You can support one of them right here (win a vehicle!)


Where would you like to start?



I hold facilitated events to help highly productive C-suite leaders learn how to hear from God and take that vision back to their business.

I help fed up and frustrated Christian owners and CEOs find and concentrate on the most profit producing activities for their team.


Know what's amazing?

As a strong supporter of non-profits, I get the chance to give back a percentage of my profit and work hours to organizations that are doing amazing things. Here are just a few you support when working with me.

You can even win a vehicle! ---> HERE

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